If you became unable to make important decisions about your finances, business, and legal matters, would you trust the court to appoint someone to make the decisions for you?
Giving someone complete control of your financial decisions is a major decision. Careful and prudent thought should be given to who will be appointed power of attorney. They will have legal authority to determine how to carry out issues such as property, finances, and medical care. The agent may file taxes, sell property or assets, access your bank accounts and sign checks.

There Are Two Main Classes of Power of Attorney:
General Power of Attorney
The general power of attorney authorizes the agent to perform on behalf of the principal in only specific matters or events, and may also be limited to a finite term, as for two years.
Durable Power of Attorney
A durable power of attorney continues control of health care, property, financial matters and other legal circumstances as specifically dictated in the agreement.
Seth Levy will guide you in making the decision to get a power of attorney and help ensure that your power of attorney document is legally sound and that your wishes are carefully outlined in the document.